Why You Need Workers’ Compensation in the Logging Industry
If you’re a business owner in the logging industry, you likely put in a great deal of effort to protect your hard-working employees from common on-the-job risks. However, the logging industry still comes with many inherent injury risks, including:
- Falling trees and limbs: In logging, one unique risk for workers is falling trees or tree limbs. If a worker is hit by a falling tree or limb, they can suffer from serious injuries, including traumatic brain injuries or paralysis.
- Dangerous equipment: In the scope of their logging role, workers might use many different tools, including chainsaws, skidders, and logging trucks. This makes them vulnerable to equipment and machinery accidents, which can cause injuries ranging from minor lacerations to traumatic amputations from chainsaw kickback accidents or truck tip-overs. If equipment is poorly maintained or improperly used, the risk of accidents greatly increases.
- Slip-and-falls: Logging worksites often have many slip-and-fall hazards, like uneven outdoor terrains or tree limbs and other debris on the ground. This increases the risk of slip-and-fall accidents, which can contribute to injuries like back injuries, knee injuries, and broken bones.
- Chemical exposure: In some cases, logging workers might use or come into contact with substances like pesticides or herbicides. If they are intensely or frequently exposed to chemicals like these, it can lead to issues like eye and skin irritation, as well as an increased risk of respiratory conditions like occupational asthma.
- Weather risks: Since they often work outside, logging industry workers are also at risk of weather-related injuries and illnesses. For instance, workers in hot conditions could experience heat stroke or dehydration, while working in cold or wet conditions increases the risk of hypothermia.
Workers’ Compensation Solutions for Your Logging Industry Business
At Work Comp Business Insurance Solutions, we know the unique risks faced by businesses in the logging industry. We offer a suite of products tailored to improving safety and Workers’ Compensation at logging industry businesses. This includes a full PEO product, which offers:
- Workers’ Compensation coverage: When you partner with us, you’ll benefit from our wide network of insurance carriers and other industry professionals. We’ll leverage these connections to find comprehensive and affordable Workers’ Compensation to protect your business and your employees.
- Risk management: Through our risk management services, we’ll help identify, mitigate, and eliminate common risks around your business. This will reduce your risk of common industry risks, like chemical exposure or stuck-by accidents with tree limbs.
- HR services: With our HR support services, we’ll help your logging business stay in compliance with all federal, state, and industry laws and regulations. This reduces your risk of workplace accidents, as well as the risks of fines, penalties, lawsuits, and lapses in Workers’ Compensation coverage.
When you work with us through our PEO product or other services, we’ll act as your partner at every step of the way, and help you navigate the complex process of finding and securing the right Workers’ Compensation coverage to protect your logging industry business and employees from common risks.
At Work Comp Business Insurance Solutions, we help business owners find the best Workers’ Compensation and payroll solutions.To learn more about our services and how we can help your business, visit us online at https://www.wcbis.com.