Temporary Staffing – Knee Injury Risks
While all industries have their own unique risks, there are some types of accidents and injuries that can occur in any type of workplace. One of these injury types is knee injuries, which are more likely to affect temporary workers.
Types of Knee Injuries and Conditions for Temporary Workers
- Sprains
- Strains
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
- Meniscus tears
- Ligament tears
- Osteoarthritis
What Causes Knee Injuries for Temporary Workers?
For temporary workers, knee injuries can have many different causes. Oftentimes, the cause depends on the industry. For example, a temporary worker filling a role in the manufacturing industry will likely see different knee injury risks than a worker in a hotel and hospitality industry role. However, some common causes of knee injuries for temporary workers include:
- All industries have slip-and-fall risks. For example, workers in industries like roofing and logging could deal with muddy or wet outdoor areas, while workers in manufacturing and warehouses might have to work around boxes and other debris on the floor. If workers are unaware of slip-and-fall risks in their surroundings, they can have accidents that lead to knee injuries.
Repetitive motion injuries
- Temporary workers often fill labor-intensive roles, like loading boxes into a truck or operating complex machinery on an assembly line. If they perform the same motions throughout the day, it can lead to wear-and-tear on their knees. This increases the risk of repetitive motion injuries, which include tendonitis and bursitis.
- Similarly, knee injuries can also occur from overexertion. This can be an issue for temporary workers who don’t receive safety training, like education on when to take breaks.
Improper lifting
- If temporary workers are performing tasks like lifting boxes in warehouses or assisting patients in healthcare, they need to use proper lifting techniques. If they are unaware of proper lifting techniques, it increases their risk of preventable knee injuries.
Machine accidents
- Most industries use some kind of machinery or equipment, like tractors in agriculture or forklifts in warehouses. If a temporary worker is involved in an accident, like a tractor tip-over, they can suffer from traumatic knee injuries.
Preventing Knee Injuries for Temporary Workers
At Work Comp Business Insurance Solutions, we know the importance of addressing and preventing workplace knee injuries, especially in the temporary staffing industry. We offer a suite of products tailored to businesses with temporary workers, including a full PEO product. Through our PEO product, get assistance on injury-preventing tasks like risk management, safety training, and compliance-related tasks.
We can also help your business find strong Workers’ Compensation coverage to protect your business and employees after a knee injury or other workplace accident.
At Work Comp Business Insurance Solutions, we help temporary staffing business owners find the best Workers’ Compensation and payroll solutions. To learn more about our services and how we can help your temporary staffing business, visit us online at https://www.wcbis.com.