Temporary Staffing – Noise Exposure
The workplace can be a noisy place! From chainsaws and wood chippers in the logging industry to industrial equipment in a busy restaurant kitchen, workers in all types of workplaces frequently use loud tools and equipment. This puts them at an increased risk of noise exposure injuries, an issue which especially impacts temporary employees who might not have the proper safety training or equipment to protect them from noise-related injuries.
The Common Causes of Noise Exposure Injuries
The causes of noise exposure industry depend on the industry, particularly the tools and processes used within the industry. For example, look at the diverse causes of noise exposure causes in these four industries
- Manufacturing
Common Risks: Machinery, equipment, production processes
- Construction
Common Risks: Drilling, heavy machinery
- Warehouses
Common Risks: Forklifts, conveyor belts, loading dock processes
- Transportation
Common Risks: Engines, vehicle operations, roadway noise
While the causes may vary, common causes of workplace exposure industries are tools and machinery. If workers frequently use the same loud tools or processes, they are at an increased risk of noise exposure injuries.
What Happens After a Noise Exposure Injury?
When temporary workers are exposed to loud or frequent noise, it can cause damage to the cochlea, or inner ear, as well as damage to hair cells, membranes, and other parts of the ear. This can lead to noise-induced hearing loss. In some cases, hearing loss is partial and minor. However, frequent or intense exposure to workplace noise can lead to permanent hearing loss, which causes a need for major life changes.
Additionally, exposure to frequent loud noises can also increase the risk of other health issues, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. Loud workplace environments may also hinder communication among workers. This creates an increased risk of other workplace injuries, like crushing injuries or slip-and-falls.
Preventing Noise Exposure Injuries
One of the best ways to prevent noise exposure injuries is proper safety training, especially for temporary workers. If all workers are trained on how to safely use loud equipment and the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE), they will be able to take the right steps to protect themselves from hearing loss and other noise exposure injuries.
It’s also important for business owners to have strong Workers’ Compensation coverage to protect their temporary employees from common noise exposure risks. However, it can be difficult for temporary staffing businesses to find and secure the coverage they need, especially if they have workers filling positions in high-risk industries like construction, manufacturing, and transportation.
At Work Comp Business Insurance Solutions, we work with temporary staffing businesses to help them find safety and Workers’ Compensation solutions. Through out Full PEO product and other services, we offer assistance on everything businesses need to protect their employees, from additional HR support to finding personalized, affordable Workers’ Compensation coverage to help employees recovering from noise exposure injuries.
To learn more about our services and how we can help your temporary staffing business, visit us online at https://www.wcbis.com.