Temporary Staffing – Common Risks in Manufacturing

In the fast-paced manufacturing industry, temporary workers play a valuable role. Temporary workers assist with manufacturing hundreds of products, from everyday products like makeup and clothes to life-saving medical equipment.

However, temporary workers might not receive the safety training they need to protect themselves from common manufacturing industry risks. In the manufacturing industry, some of the most common injury and accident risks include:

Repetitive motion injuries

  • Temporary workers often fill labor-intensive manufacturing industry roles, such as operating complex machinery or working on an assembly line. This often means repeating the same motions throughout their workday, which increase the risk of repetitive motion injuries like carpal tunnel.

Machinery accidents

  • In the manufacturing industry, temporary workers might operate equipment like conveyor belts and forklifts. If they are not properly trained on how to handle heavy or fast-moving machinery, they are at a high risk of machinery accidents. In the manufacturing industry, machinery accidents can lead to serious injuries, including traumatic amputations.


  • Temporary workers in the manufacturing industry might have to navigate slip-and-fall hazards like debris on the floor, poor lighting, or slippery surfaces. If they are unfamiliar with the worksite or hazards like these, they can suffer from slip-and-falls. Slip-and-fall accidents can lead to a variety of injuries, ranging from minor sprains to serious spinal injuries. If they occur from heights, like ladders or scaffolding, injuries can also be fatal.

Burns and electrocution

  • Temporary workers might come across burn and electrocution hazards, like hot materials. If they are involved in an accident with hot or electrical materials, they can suffer from serious and even fatal injuries, including electric shock and severe burns.

Chemical exposure

  • While manufacturing certain products, temporary workers in the manufacturing industry might be exposed to chemicals and other hazardous substances. If they are frequently or unsafely exposed to dangerous substances, they can suffer injuries ranging from eye irritation to serious respiratory complications.

Protecting Your Temporary Workers in the Manufacturing Industry

If you’re a business owner, it’s important to take steps to protect your temporary employees from common manufacturing industry risks like these.

If you have temporary workers filling roles in the manufacturing industry, one way to protect them is by offering robust Workers’ Compensation coverage. With the right coverage, you can help your temporary employees navigate common industry risks like these, plus ensure they find the care and support they need after a slip-and-fall, chemical exposure, and other injury or accident.

At Work Comp Business Insurance Solutions, we help temporary staffing business owners find the best Workers’ Compensation and payroll solutions. To learn more about our services and how we can help your temporary staffing business, visit us online at https://www.wcbis.com.

Published On: February 23rd, 2024Categories: Temporary StaffingTags: , ,