Common Multi-State Risks

There are many different laws and regulations that change across state lines—and Workers’ Compensation is one of them! If your business operates across multiple states, you might find yourself facing some of these common multi-state Workers’ Compensation Challenges.

  • Differences in State Requirements: Different states may have different approaches to Workers’ Compensation coverage. While Workers’ Compensation is required in all states, the requirements may vary. For example, some states allow businesses with only a few employees to operate without Workers’ Compensation insurance.
  • Varying Coverage Options: Depending on your state of operation, you might also have to navigate a vast variety of coverage options. Some states require Workers’ Compensation coverage to be purchased from a state-administered fund, while others may allow private insurance or self-insurance.
  • Different Injury Definitions: The answer to “what is a workplace injury?” might also depend from state to state. Some states have stricter definitions of what constitutes a workplace injury, while others are more lenient. For instance, some states might only consider on-site injuries to be workplace injuries, while others might include off-site injuries. Some states also consider psychological injuries as workplace injuries, while others do not.
  • Different Employee Definitions: Similarly, different states may have different laws about what constitutes an employee. In particular, state laws greatly vary on independent contractors and how to classify them.
  • Changes in Compliance: Along with federal laws and regulations, you may also have to deal with state-specific safety and Workers’ Compensation regulations. If your business operates in multiple states, it can be difficult to stay up-to-date with all laws and regulations.

Finding Support for Multi-State Risks

At Work Comp Business Insurance Solutions, we understand the challenges of running a business with multi-state risks. We offer products to help business owners navigate multi-state risks, including a full PEO product that offers:

  • Assistance with finding personalized, comprehensive, and affordable Workers’ Compensation coverage tailored to the unique risks and needs of your business
  • Risk management services to identify, mitigate, and prevent common hazards you might encounter as a business with multi-state risks
  • HR support, including assistance on staying up-to-date on safety training and ensuring compliance with all state laws and regulations
  • Payroll processing support to help you stay on top of employee classification and other critical paperwork

We’ll also act as your partner at every step of the way, helping you navigate and overcome the many complexities of running a business with multi-state risks.

At Work Comp Business Insurance Solutions, we help business owners find the best Workers’ Compensation and payroll solutions.To learn more about our services and how we can help your business, visit us online at